A Small Guide About Chartered Accountants

The Definition of CA

The nominated letters for “Chartered Accountants” like CA, CCA, and FCA, was first time presented in England and Scotland, during the 18th century. These letters prove that CA’s have all the qualification and experiences to manage the business.

Qualifications for CA’s

The minimum requirement to enroll in the CA’s course is intermediate.  During the course, they have to pass number of papers with good marks. After the completion of their study, they have to get the desired level of experience. The ACCA program has total 14 exams; to complete this course may take a period of 4 years. You can get certain exemptions based on the level of your education. The maximum number of exemption in the ACCA course is 9 and you have to pass the remaining 5 exams. The CA program duration is three and half years. The CFA comprises of three exams: level 1, level 2 and level 3.

What to do after completion of the study?


It is important to work with any certified chartered accountant firm for the minimum of three years. Consistently check the chartered firms who are looking for the new candidates. In order to gain the three-year experience, you can also work with manufacturing and Services Company.

CA’s Work Nature

The job of CA’s is to play with numbers, calculators, financial data maintenance in spreadsheets and keeping the budgeting records. They analyze the different ratios and takes part in the decision-making process. They work for long hours in front of computers and solve matters relating to taxation rates, income tax returns, sale tax returns, and auditing.

Duties of CA’s


The duties of the CA’s are the audits of the financial statements, preparation of tax returns, advice relating to lowering costs and any other business advice. The CA’s are aware of the government rules and regulation about taxes and other legal issues. They also give advice how to lower the debt burden? How to avoid the interest rates? How to meet the government rules and regulations?  Approximately they specialized in every field of business. The CA’s work like an executive and take the responsibility for the overall assets and financial position of the business. They give advice to the owners that how they can solve the problem.

What is the Difference Between Chartered and Certified Accountant?

The difference between chartered and certified accountant is based on geographic region. Also, the difference between these two is based on experiences, but overall responsibilities and duties of both are same. The U.S. certified accountant is equivalent to the chartered accountant and other countries follow the UK standards.

Future Job Outlook for CA’s

According to the year 2009 the new job opening for the chartered accountants is increasing in UK, Ireland, and Scotland. Many of the job openings are in the larger cities like London, Manchester. The U.S jobs opening is also increasing and growth will remain stable till 2018.

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